Thursday, December 29, 2005

Barrett on the passing of Ronald Reagan

For Immediate Release
June 2004
Contact: Colleen K. Mangone, Press Secretary

Passing of President Ronald Reagan

Washington, DC – Mr. Speaker,

President Reagan changed our hearts with his optimistic outlook on life, the world, and our place in it. He came into office at a time in our history when we were a little bruised and battered and simply said he pulled us up by our boot straps and taught us how to get back on the horse that knocked us off.

“America is too great for small dreams” he once said, but to Ronald Reagan these were not merely words in a speech meant for a 30 second sound bite on the evening news, these words went to the core of the man.

He reminded us that even though we may have differences our common bond as Americans sets us apart from the rest of the world. He believed in all that is good in America because he believed there is good in every American.

Ronald Reagan was a hero to me and to an entire generation. He leaves a legacy of hope and prosperity that will last for generations to come. I know there is a special place in Heaven for Ronald Reagan and I know he heard the words ‘Well Done!’.

I yield back the remainder of my time.