Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Sanford for Governor update

Dear Friend,

Two days ago U.S. Senators Lindsey Graham and Jim DeMint, Congressmen Joe Wilson and Gresham Barrett, along with South Carolina Legislative leaders Speaker Bobby Harrell and House Judiciary Chairman Jim Harrison were gracious enough to stand with me. What they did was not just about their support of me in the next election; it more importantly reflected their support of the ideas that fuel my run for a second term.

Reducing the tax burden on working South Carolinians, limiting government spending, improving education and reforming our government’s structure - so that we create more high-paying jobs and a better quality of life for people in this state is what we have been about, and continue to work on advancing each day.

I write because all too often these days in politics people won’t take a stand, and if you run into them I would ask you to pat them on the back and tell them thanks for doing so.

If you want to see more of what was said, visit the referenced news summary below, or




Sanford picks up support

(Columbia) January 23, 2006 - Most of South Carolina's Republican Congressional delegation is in Columbia Monday morning to endorse Governor Mark Sanford's re-election bid.

The group members are focused on the future, along with Governor Sanford. Gov. Sanford says, "Changes come slowly and the reason I'm running for a second term is to push these things again."

U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham says if South Carolina is going to get what it needs, Sanford needs to be leading the efforts, "The world is in transition, South Carolina is in transition and the only way to be competitive in the 21st century is to reform the way we educate, tax, reform and put new ideas on the table. And Mark Sanford will do that."

Graham was joined Monday by U.S. Senator Jim DeMint, Second District Representative Joe Wilson and Third District Congressman Gresham Barrett.

Senator DeMint also spoke, "Big ideas take a while to develop and this state is in transition, but I really believe we're on the edge of the greatest period of opportunity we ever had."

Only two Republican members missed Monday morning's news conference, First District Representative Henry Brown and Fourth District Congressman Bob Inglis.

A letter was read from South Carolina House Speaker Bobby Harrell of Charleston, who says he is also endorsing the governor's re-election bid.

The group says their mutual goals this year include reducing the tax burden, limiting government spending, creating jobs and making sure every child has a first class education.