Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Shame on you,Tom Tancredo

Congressman Tancredo,
Indiana Congressman Mike Pence is a hero to me and other conservatives all across the country.You used to be.
Disagreeing with Congressman Pence's new approach to immigration is one thing, slandering the plan and the man and posting the most unflattering picture you can find of the man is another.
I am one of those conservatives who have constantly defended you from my Republican establishment friends and other critics of yours who say all negatives things about you.

They said you were a demagogue who wanted the issue more than the solution.
I said you were a Patriot fighting in the trenches for us.

They said you were a conservative only in it for money
I said you were a man of integrity

They said the most dangerous place to be in America was not in a big city ally at 3am but rather between you,Tom Tancredo and a reporter or television camera.
I told them they were wrong you were simply dedicated in your work.

They said you were ineffective
I said no way

They all said you were a joke and not a man personally not worthy of the title of Congressman.

I told all of them every time with out exception they were wrong.

It appears they were RIGHT and I was wrong.

Saying Pence "redefined amnesty to suit his interests" is false.Pence is a man of integrity and only does what he thinks is good for the country.
Congressman Pence mentioned your name during his speech saying he just spent a half an hour talking with you and that you were "looking it over"(Pence's plan). Obviously, Pence would not have used your name in the speech if you had used this type of rhetoric when talking with him in person.Which brings me to my next questions, Did you tell Pence you were going to be adamantly opposed when talking with him? or did you simply blind side him? Did you take your case to Pence in private? or simply send out the press releases?

Pence's plan while not perfect (he freely admits it is a compromise on his part)It is the only plan that can viably pass conference while keeping HR 4437 intact.You say Pence's plan isn't security first, you know that isn't true,Pence's plan would keep 4437 intact save for two exceptions (felony provision,and Good samaritan provision).

Pence's plan does the following:
1 seal the border(4437)
2 enforce existing interior laws(4437)
3 grant NO path to citizenship
4 remove all 12 million illegals from America
5 require all illegals to return home before being eligible for guest worker
6 end anchor baby citizenship

You call this amnesty! Apparently you do not want a guestworker at any cost and that is an ok position to have but do not call a plan amnesty just because you do not agree with it.Pence realizes for 4437 to pass conference he would have to compromise. Pence plan is to trade
1 a sealed border
2 enforced interior laws
3 granting no path to citizenship
4 requiring all illegals to go home
5 the END of undocumented aliens

in exchange for
1 a limited guest worker program for those who return home and apply

Not Perfect. but with the liberal Senate we have it is the best we can do.
What is the alternative? Allow the Democrats to team up with Open border Republicans and grant real AMNESTY? Apparently that is what you want so you can keep the issue alive.
Disagree with Pence if you like,but do it honestly and above reproach. This is not amnesty and Pence is a man of integrity and a hero. You used to be. Perhaps you can answer the questions I posed to you next time you are in South Carolina. I will be the guy in the front row with 20 or so of my Christian conservative friends wearing Pence buttons and we will come up to you after and ask "why do you have no shame"

Mike Rains
former Tancredo fan