Monday, January 30, 2006

Election 2008


With this year coming to a close, many conservatives have thought to themselves about the state of the conservative movement. Where have the ideas and principles of Ronald Reagan, which once were the inspiration that strengthened our party and our nation, gone? Why has our ruling majority succumbed to Big Government Republicanism? Who will carry the Reagan mantle and lead our conservative movement in these trying times? These questions have been at the forefront of every conservative’s conscience.

Ladies and gentleman, there is good news. Conservatives this New Year can now be jolly and cheerful as a national voice has emerged this past year to lead the conservative movement with moral clarity and unwavering principles. Indiana’s Mike Pence has provided Congress with conservative leadership that has garnered victories and led our ruling majority back to the right, earning him the honor of “Man of the Year” by Human Events.
Entering the House in 2000, Mike Pence’s conservative leadership made an immediate impact as he became one of only five freshmen in the past fifty years to chair a subcommittee. As a freshman committed to downsizing the scope and influence of the federal government, Pence made a bold stand against the No Child Left Behind Act in 2001. In only his second term, Mike Pence became a deputy majority whip, a feat that most politicians spend their entire career to achieve. One primary responsibility of this new position was to gather votes among his Republican colleagues for legislation that the Republican majority had sponsored. It was the Medicare Bill of 2003, the largest socialized medicine bill to ever pass through the halls of Congress, that became the last straw and the catalyst that would go on to form the character of the hero and statesman.
Mike Pence valiantly led the revolt against the Medicare Bill along with 24 other House conservatives. Despite the band of rebels’ efforts, led by Pence, the longest vote in Congressional history went in favor of the GOP leadership and Big Government Republicanism. Afterwards, the six founding members of the Republican Study Committee approached Pence to take charge of the conservative caucus. Mike Pence is so humble that he demanded an election for the position. Because of his humility and his effective leadership, Pence was unanimously selected by over 100 House conservatives to chair the caucus. Immediately Pence went to the GOP leadership and willingly stepped down from his whip position while quoting scripture, “you can not serve two masters.” Pence became the first person in fifty years to willingly step down from leadership position.
With Pence’s strong and determined leadership, the RSC immediately turned the tide in the House this session. In March, Pence and his band of committed conservatives led the charge for budget reform. This principled stance led to House leadership adopting their budget-process reform giving House members the opportunity to vote to defend the budget on the House floor. This became a big victory for Pence and his colleagues as the RSC now became a viable and credible caucus for legislative authority. GOP leadership soon recognized that all legislation must now come through Mike Pence and the RSC in order to pass.
Immediately after Pence led a group of Congressman over to Iraq to build the morale among the troops, Hurricane Katrina hit our shores and our federal government responded. Pence and his conservative caucus also responded by calling for a press conference to announce “Operation Offset,” their plan for federal spending cuts of over $900 billion to offset Katrina spending. This bold move led to the chastisement of Pence by the House leadership. Yet, in his calm and ever graceful presence, Pence’s moral stance eventually convicted House leadership and led them to adopt many of the RSC’s proposed spending cuts.
Mike Pence does not only clearly and optimistically articulate our conservative message of limited government, fiscal discipline, strong national defense and traditional moral values, but his leadership effectively challenges his colleagues and GOP leadership to return to the principles in which our party and nation was founded upon. Pence has rightfully emerged as the leader of the conservative movement as his message and his stances have caused the GOP to side with the principles of the conservative base that has elected our governing majority.
Mike Pence boldly proclaimed in an article by Human Events, “I believe in my heart that this generation of Americans is going to produce leadership that will sit in the Oval Office and look the American people in the eye as adults, and say the party is over. We simply cannot continue to write hot checks on the backs of our children and grandchildren. We need to lay the problem out with moral and fiscal authority, to explain the truth of the matter, and treat the American people as the thoughtful and courageous people they are.” We couldn’t agree with you more Mr. Pence.
Pence, who calls himself, “A Christian, a conservative, and a Republican, in that order” has inspired our nation to build upon the ideas and principles of Reagan. He has given hope to those of us who see our party being destroyed by careerism and Big Government Republicanism. He has truly led the charge to rejuvenate our conservative principles in our nation’s capital and to renew conservatism in the hearts and minds of the American people. And it shall be the efforts of this conservative leader that will strengthen our party and our nation once again, as we remain that shining city on a hill with 2008 on the horizon.