Saturday, June 17, 2006

Gresham Barrett on immigration

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Our nation is in the midst of an important debate regarding our immigration policies. Over the coming weeks I will be sharing with you a few thoughts on this important issue.

First and foremost, we must control our borders. Second, amnesty will not solve the problem. No doubt reforming our immigration system is complex, but let's ensure our borders are secure and stop talking about rewarding those who have skirted the system and come to our country illegally.

The following are excerpts from an article entitled Senate Measure Could Create Immigration Tsunami, which ran in the Greenville News on June 1, 2006, discusses problems with the Senate solution to our immigration:

Greenville News

Thursday, June 1, 2006

By Mark Thies and Teela Roche

The Senate's bill calls for a guest worker/amnesty program as the only way to solve our nation's problem of illegal immigration. In truth, it could be our destruction.

According to a study by the Heritage Foundation's Robert Rector, the recently passed Senate bill could bring in more than 66 million legal immigrants -- almost 25 percent of the current U.S. population -- in the next 20 years!

The Senate seems intent on facilitating these huge increases just to solve what is no more than a temporary worker shortage in the service industries. Illegal aliens constitute less than 5 percent of the U.S. work force (Source: National Employment Law Project). The law of supply and demand would solve these shortages, but somehow businesses only seem to want market forces to act when it's in their own selfish interest.

Those who deride the House bill -- enforcement without guest workers -- as impractical and unworkable either are being intentionally misleading or simply don't know that such an "attrition" policy, as it is called, has worked well every time it's been tried. For example, the Center for Immigration Studies reports that when the Department of Homeland Security deported 1,500 illegal Pakistanis after 9-11, 15,000 more left the country on their own.

You can either confront a problem or let it grow till it destroys you. This summer, let your representative in the U.S. House know that they must choose enforcement -- otherwise: catastrophe.

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