Monday, June 26, 2006

Close race to hinge on turnout (Bauer vs Campbell)

Close race to hinge on turnout

It’s a coin flip.

That’s about the best way to describe the runoff for lieutenant governor between incumbent Andre Bauer and challenger Mike Campbell.

Anybody can win, says Tim Brett, a Greenville-based consultant supporting Campbell.

The contest is all about identifying supporters and turnout. Whoever has the best voter turnout mechanism will be the victor, Brett said.

Bauer and Campbell exchanged high-profile endorsements last week. First lady Jenny Sanford lined up behind Campbell. Henry Jordan, the Anderson surgeon who finished third in the GOP primary, said he’s voting for Bauer.

The runoff was forced because neither Bauer nor Campbell received more than half the vote. Campbell led the field, capturing 45 percent, followed by Bauer with 37 percent. Jordan received 18 percent.

Campbell ran a strong race, carrying 35 of the state’s 46 counties. He led Bauer by 21,127 votes.

Based on those results, Campbell, son of the late Gov. Carroll Campbell, has been installed as the favorite.

The endorsement of Jenny Sanford raised a lot of eyebrows. It is debatable whether her support will make a difference, but it certainly didn’t erase questions about Campbell’s chances.

Can Campbell get his crowd back to the polls on Tuesday? That’s the bigger question.

South Carolinians have a history of electing the runner-up.

Four years ago, Bauer came in second in a three-candidate primary race for lieutenant governor, trailing state Sen. David Thomas, R-Greenville, by 2 percentage points. Bauer went on to win the runoff.

Tuesday’s primary will be a replay if Campbell’s supporters decide to stay home.

“South Carolinians have a weird history of rejecting front-runners,” observed Furman University political scientist Danielle Vinson.

Some recent examples of front-runners losing a runoff: state Sen. Mike Fair, R-Greenville, lost to Jim DeMint in 1998 for the 4th District congressional seat; in 2004, former Gov. David Beasley failed to survive a runoff against DeMint for a U.S. Senate seat.

Turnout on Tuesday is expected to be extremely light. Estimates range from as low as 6 percent to as high as 10 percent.

With voter turnout that low, “Donald Duck could win,” said Greenville’s Brett.

If Campbell gets his crowd back out to vote, he should win. However, in a low turnout election like this one, Bauer has the edge, experts say. His supporters are more intense. Campbell’s backers are more casual about it.

Jordan, who ran a respectable third, had declined to endorse anyone in the runoff. But he changed his mind after Jenny Sanford embraced Campbell.

Jordan thus joined his whole family in backing Bauer, including cutting a radio ad for the lieutenant governor.

In the ad, Jordan said Bauer not only has the right conservative convictions “but the record to back it up.”

Bauer also was getting help from an unexpected source, Republican U.S. Rep. Joe Wilson of Springdale. The congressman, who served in the state Senate with Bauer, has made phone calls on Bauer’s behalf, a move that angered some Republicans who advised Wilson to stay out of the contest.

“That was a very unwise thing for Joe to do,” said Rusty DePass, a longtime Wilson friend and party stalwart.

Francis Marion University professor Neal Thigpen, a Republican activist, said he doesn’t count Bauer out. “He has always been underestimated.”

However, Furman’s Vinson thinks Bauer will lose.

Voters, she said, need something to be passionate about, and she believes a good number are “passionate” about getting rid of Bauer.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Frist visits South Carolina (cq profile)

Frist Faces the Challenge of Running From the Senate
By Alan K. Ota | 11:14 AM; Jun. 20, 2006 | Email This Article
What makes Bill Frist run? What kind of ambition leads a risk-taking transplant surgeon — one who’s used to making life-and-death decisions with the flick of a scalpel — to think he has the patience, listening skills and legislative sophistication needed to run the United States Senate?

Indeed, what kind of naked ambition gives a man who did not register to vote until he was 36 years old — and who has yet to score a significant legislative achievement to call his own — the utter confidence that he can win the Republican nomination for president in 2008?

You only begin to find out the answers to these questions in Washington, where the Tennessee Republican’s star has flashed, briefly soared and then repeatedly threatened to implode into a black hole. From the moment he burst on the national stage less than four years ago, as President Bush’s hand-picked candidate to succeed Trent Lott as the Senate’s majority leader, Frist has struggled to appreciate, much less master, the peculiarities of the fractious and hidebound Senate. He still seems unable to gauge what motivates his own GOP caucus or what resonates with the voting public.

From the “nuclear option” to immigration policy, from stem cell research to his run-ins with the Securities and Exchange Commission over sales of his family stock, from his incorrect snap diagnosis of Terri Schiavo to his stillborn idea for a $100 gasoline rebate, Frist has on many occasions seemed as miscast a Washington power player as any self-styled “citizen legislator” could be. He could well become a historic example of a failed Senate leader.

“Right now, he’s giving the dross standard for majority leaders, William F. Knowland, a run for his money,” said Lewis L. Gould, an emeritus history professor at the University of Texas who has written a history of the Senate, “The Most Exclusive Club.” (Knowland, a Californian, was the GOP leader from August 1953 through 1954, when the party lost its Senate majority.)

“How can he rally the country around his ideas if he can’t rally the Senate?” Gould said.

Even the communications adviser for the Volunteer Political Action Committee — Frist’s leadership PAC, which has been laying the fundraising groundwork for a national campaign — concedes that his boss has made something of a hash of it at the moment. “It’s been a rough year,’’ concedes the spokesman, Jim Dyke. “He has had problems in politics and policy. It wasn’t any one thing. But he still has a lot of time to get back on track.”

Laying the Groundwork
But follow Frist to South Carolina, which will be the site of a potentially pivotal early Republican presidential primary about 20 months from now, and another side of his striving ambition begins to emerge.

At a roadside cafe in Rock Hill on Memorial Day weekend, the shirt-sleeved, straight-backed Frist walked one afternoon into a middling crowd to give a speech in behalf of a state legislator who is running for a seat in the House.

It was the start of a recess week in Congress, a time when Frist more often than not flies home to Nashville or off to Africa to perform pro bono medical mission work for starving refugees and AIDS victims. This time, however, he was taking the unusual step of campaigning against an incumbent House Democrat, John M. Spratt Jr., in behalf of challenger Ralph Norman.

Perhaps Frist had special reasons for doing Norman this personal favor, though there is no evidence that the two know one another well. Frist campaigned for many challengers when he ran the Senate Republican Campaign Committee in 2001 and 2002. And two years ago he went to South Dakota to campaign against the Senate’s other party floor leader at the time, Tom Daschle — an unprecedented thumb in the eye of tradition and senatorial courtesy.

But a Senate majority leader campaigning for a House challenger in an uphill race? Although Frist insists that he won’t make up his mind until after he retires from the Senate at year’s end, his trip to South Carolina was a clear signal that his sights are set firmly on the White House.

From that perspective, it’s not at all surprising to find him in the state where George W. Bush vanquished his biggest rival for the GOP nomination in 2000, Sen. John McCain of Arizona. South Carolina’s primary followed McCain’s strong showings in Iowa and New Hampshire and proved his downfall as a would-be spokesman for conservatism. He stumbled badly, for instance, on the question of whether the state should fly the Confederate flag over the capitol. He never recovered after his downfall in the Palmetto State.

Frist clearly is determined not to let that fate happen to him. At the cafe, he explained his rationale for putting a proposed constitutional amendment before the Senate this month. “Who thinks we should desecrate the American flag?” the Nashville native said in his Tennessee twang. “And who doesn’t?”

In such settings, Frist assumes the role of the impassioned outsider — a stand-in majority leader bent on forcing symbolic votes, win or lose, on signature themes while distancing himself from an unpopular president and a chaotic Senate. His stump speech, for example, begins by evoking Edward Everett Hale, the Senate chaplain a century ago. When Hale was asked if he prayed for the senators every day, Frist says the Unitarian clergyman and author would reply, in effect: “I take one look at all the senators, and I pray for the American people.”

Frist’s approach appeared to play well in Rock Hill. After the rally Ernest Cogdell, an Assemblies of God lay minister, said he would back the majority leader in a primary against a less conservative rival such as McCain because “I’m sure Frist would defend moral values.’’ Curwood Chappell, a local county councilman, promised his support, too, because “he’s been in the limelight; he’s been tested.’’

But the current dynamic for the 2008 GOP nomination is different from 2000. McCain looms as the clear front-runner — especially if the other person near the top in GOP opinion polls, former New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, opts out of the race — and several others appear better positioned than Frist to become McCain’s principal rival. (latest Gallup Poll numbers)

“Frist has got to be the conservative alternative to McCain coming out of Iowa, and then win in South Carolina,” says Charles Black, a Washington lobbyist who is a longtime GOP activist. “It’s going to be tough. He’ll need red meat in the primaries. Health care only helps in the general election.”

What that advice means, Black and several other party tacticians say, is that Frist should spend his final six months in the Senate honing themes that resonate with the social conservatives who are the base of the GOP primary vote — then campaign for president on the theme that only from the White House can he accomplish the goals that eluded him at the Capitol. In other words, to have a chance in 2008 he must position himself as the anti-Washington candidate, the anti-Senate candidate and, most importantly, the anti-McCain candidate.

Neal Thigpen, a professor of political science at Francis Marion University in Florence, S.C., says Frist has a shot at picking up anti-McCain conservatives in the state, but that another senator, George Allen of Virginia, has a head start because of his focus on moral values. “Frist is low-voltage, anything but a firebrand. He can’t decide whether he’s running as the religious right candidate or as a physician,” Thigpen said.

‘Leading on Principle’
For his part, Frist takes great care not to talk about even the possibility of having a lust for higher office. He straight-out denies that his actions as Senate leader have been driven by presidential ambitions.

“Every article starts off: That’s what he’s thinking about; that’s what dictates his thought process,” Frist said in a recent interview in his Capitol office. “They’re absolutely wrong. They’re wrong.”

And in describing his plans after leaving Congress, he makes no mention of politics or the nation’s capital. “Eight months from now, I might just as well be back in Nashville doing heart transplants,” he said. “I might be back there working in an HIV-AIDS clinic. And I might do what I do every year and go to Africa and do medical mission work, which is in the Sudan and is part of my life. I don’t have to pretend it. I don’t have to act like I’m doing anything. That’s my real life.”

After offering those scenarios, however, he volunteered that he has made no decisions about the future.

But by not backing away from fights on matters he holds dear — such as stem cell research, where he departs dramatically from the president and a majority of his caucus by advocating the use of unused embryos from fertilization clinics — Frist said he is hoping to reassure party loyalists that he’s driven not by political ambition but by his deep convictions as both a conservative and a physician.

“Leading on principle is my style,” he said. “I’m right up front about it. It’s honest. It’s true. It’s what I stand for. It’s why I came to Washington.”

Prodding colleagues toward the center on landmark legislation, however, has been the hallmark of standout Senate GOP leaders in the modern era. Everett McKinley Dirksen of Illinois is revered for helping to complete the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Bob Dole of Kansas assembled the bipartisan coalition that passed the Americans with Disabilities Act in 1990. Howard H. Baker Jr., a fellow Tennessean whom Frist identifies as his political hero, was famous for describing the job as “majority pleader.”

His allies in the Senate GOP say it’s still too early to exclude Frist from a place in that pantheon. “He’s been a good leader, given the cards he’s been dealt,” said Gordon H. Smith of Oregon. “He’s held things together,” said James M. Inhofe of Oklahoma

For much of his first three years on the job, Frist seemed to be as focused as his predecessors on cutting deals.

The first big deal he cut effectively limited the 2003 tax cut to only half the amount President Bush wanted — a decision that reflected the political realities of the Senate’s narrow GOP majority at the time but infuriated his own party’s leaders in the House, who accused Frist of reneging on a promise to insist on much deeper cuts in his very first handshake agreement with Speaker J. Dennis Hastert of Illinois.

Later that year, Frist helped cultivate support from both Democrats and AARP, the pre-eminent lobbying group for the elderly, to create the prescription drug benefit under Medicare. Frist participated in the early negotiations on the final bill, and when the conferees appeared to stall, he and Hastert drafted proposals that helped break the impasse.

But Frist says his vision for leadership has always embraced ideas beyond pragmatism. His former political consultant, Tom Perdue, says Frist has long regarded the majority leader’s job as a forum to promote long-range goals that might have little chance of enactment but that reflect his deeply held conservative beliefs.

Perdue, who crafted the hard-right campaign that Frist ran in unseating three-term Democrat Jim Sasser in 1994, said Frist is well aware of what has amounted to the majority leader’s curse. In the last half-century two of them — Dole in 1996 and Democrat Lyndon B. Johnson of Texas in 1960 — were unable to leverage their strong records for bipartisan legislative accomplishment into winning presidential bids.

Yet Perdue said Frist was enthusiastic about the opportunity to take the job — he secured it, with a just-barely-behind-the-scenes assist from the White House, after Lott lost it with his Strom Thurmond gaffe at the end of 2002 — and was determined to use the Senate floor as a forum for articulating his own ideas, not only as a place to blend into the ranks of former floor leaders.

“I advised him to try to follow his beliefs,” Perdue said. “Majority leaders have been too willing to compromise in the past. They were paper shufflers who just warmed the chair. I had this discussion with Bill. He was determined to make a difference. He had a lot of ideas going in.”

Perdue told Frist that by standing up for his own principles, he could become a formidable national candidate because “the base wants someone who is passionate about certain issues.”

Frist said he sought advice from several senior Republicans, including Baker, but concluded that he would not emulate Baker or any other majority leader and would instead try to develop his own style.

He agreed with Perdue that it was important to fight for principles on some issues even though doing so would create conflict in the Senate and within the GOP caucus. And he says that, from the start, he made no apology for operating beyond the early stereotype of him — that of a “doctor-senator” who would apply a family practitioner’s gentle bedside manner to get his way. Rather, Frist says, his approach as leader has been to treat the Senate like the operating rooms where he has spent most of his life. “I approach things by listening like a doctor does,” he said, “and then acting like a surgeon.”

Too Far in Front?
As a result, in the past year there’s been no small amount of trauma on the Senate floor.

With the resolve of a man used to making choices of life and death, by the end of the summer Frist wants to end Bush’s ban on expanding federal funding for embryonic stem cell research. By fall, he wants to finish an immigration policy overhaul that, as passed by the Senate, was opposed by nearly three out of five of his GOP colleagues.

Frist argues that Bush’s stem cell restrictions are wrongly preventing scientists from finding treatments that could save lives. And he portrays the immigration bill as a step toward a signature goal — cutting medical care costs — because it could force perhaps several million undocumented workers to pay their back taxes and hospital bills as a condition of getting on a path toward citizenship.

But because both issues offer Democrats prime opportunities to point to deep divisions in the Republican ranks, some GOP operatives and lawmakers are wondering aloud whether Frist is shaping his legislative agenda for the fall with selfish priorities in mind. And such questioning has emboldened rank-and-file lawmakers to test his authority and work to stymie his initiatives, raising the prospect of gridlock in the weeks before the midterm election.

“It’s hard to lead a group of people if you’re not in front of them. If he gets too far out front, or gets way out front too many times, he may find there’s no one behind him,” said Sen. John Cornyn of Texas, who has been urging Frist to temper his penchant since last year for taking high-profile stands that set him apart from fellow Republicans. “He’s clearly looking to 2008. But he’s trying to lead the majority. He’s got to balance what he’s doing.”

Frist’s demurrals about the presidency have done little to quiet the doubts in his caucus. “The perception has been that he has been motivated by his presidential ambition,” says Alan K. Simpson of Wyoming, a former Senate GOP whip. “People have been questioning his authority and blocking things he wants to do.”

Even longtime supporters such as conservative activist Paul Weyrich say Frist faces a crisis of credibility. “He knows it’s do or die for the remainder of this Congress,” Weyrich said. “If he gets bills passed, he’ll emerge in good shape. If not, he’ll be hard-pressed to run for president.”

The challenge for Frist in the final months of the 109th Congress will be to resonate with the national Republican electorate without alienating the 54 others in the Senate GOP who are for the time being his principal constituents.

“He’s been riding two horses in the circus. He’s in an impossible position,” says Smith, one of Frist’s closer friends in the Senate Republican Conference.

But deep worries within the GOP about the coming midterm election have raised the pressure on Frist to explain the calls he makes in allotting precious floor time to pet issues.

Frist arranged for the vote two weeks ago on the constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage, and this week the Senate will take up the flag desecration constitutional amendment — both of which send conservatives an unambiguous message. But earlier this spring he confused and then annoyed the base by appearing to part company with Bush on the immigration issue, then suddenly embracing a compromise that the president backed and most conservatives derided.

“I’m not sure anymore where he wants to end up,” said Jeff Sessions of Alabama, chairman of the conservative Senate Republican Steering Committee.

As the immigration fight simmers, some Republicans say Frist could face an outright revolt in his caucus if he presses for a Senate vote on the House-passed bill to expand federal stem cell research. Frist says the stem cell debate is precisely the sort of thing he hoped he could use his medical background to influence when he first ran for office.

Conservative Backlash
William Donohue, the president of the Catholic League, which works to combat prejudice against Roman Catholics, has dubbed Frist “Dr. Duplicity” for his strong public stand against a broader ban on stem cell research, which he once supported.

Catholics and many other religious conservatives view such research as akin to abortion, and their attitude toward the GOP this fall could turn markedly sour if Frist presses ahead. “I’ve advised him not to bring the bill up,’’ says Lott, Frist’s predecessor as GOP leader, because “it would be very divisive for the party.”

Frist says he is undeterred by those warnings because of his conviction that embryonic stem cell research eventually will yield tissue and druglike compounds that could repair a broad range of physical ills.

Helping spur on such medical advances could help Frist position himself for a national campaign as the physician with a commitment to cutting the cost of medical care. In the January 2005 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine he described a world of medical innovations that could come on the market in the next decade — and would be affordable for most Americans so long as they could draw from tax-advantaged health savings accounts.

He followed that up by introducing a bill that would have created a series of health tax breaks, but by the fall he had decided to let that measure languish in the face of the crush of Senate business in other areas. Instead, he has settled in the past year for a series of relatively low-profile accomplishments on the health care front: a law enacted last year to provide aid for global water projects; legislation, which the House is on course to pass this month, to promote the use of electronic patient files; and a crusade a year ago against the aggressive marketing of drugs as soon as they have won federal approval, which prompted pharmaceutical makers to issue voluntary guidelines curtailing such advertising.

Meanwhile, Frist continues to make the courting of health care professionals an essential part of his nascent presidential campaign. After campaigning for the House candidate in Rock Hill, for example, he toured the nearby Piedmont Medical Center, then arranged to meet with a group of 15 physicians at his next stop: a hot air balloon festival 100 miles west in Anderson, S.C.

A History of Risks
Frist’s allies say he’s at his best in small groups of voters and potential donors, and they say he’s made improvements in his rhetorical style, which from the well of the Senate comes off as halting and stiff. They say he has a history of taking risks that stretches to his youth — and to a pair of his heroes whose principal shared flaw, in the senator’s view, is that each was overly cautious.

Frist often speaks of the rewards of audacity learned in his upbringing. It was his older brother Thomas who secured the family fortune in the late 1960s with his innovative vision of applying the economies of scale that benefited fast-food chains and other industries to create the first successful national hospital chain, which has evolved into HCA Inc. Frist often speaks of his own passion for risk-taking both when flying small planes and when simultaneously transplanting both a heart and a lung.

In a 1989 autobiography, “Transplant,” he concluded that Norman Shumway, his surgical mentor, had cheated himself of a place in history. Shumway described his plan for the world’s first human heart transplant in the Journal of the American Medical Association in November 1967, after spending years perfecting his techniques on animals. A month later, Christian Barnard, a South African who had studied Shumway’s techniques, became a global celebrity by transplanting a heart into the chest of a 55-year-old grocer.

“Almost all of the basic research behind the procedure had been carried out in this country, under Shumway’s auspices. Yet the credit was going to a little-known man in South Africa who knew almost nothing about the vital underlying animal research,” Frist wrote. The global milestone would have been his mentor’s, Frist suggested, had the American surgeon not insisted on such thorough experimentation on animals before trying his technique on a human.

And in his 1999 book, “Tennessee Senators,” Frist concluded that Baker had doomed his own White House prospects by waiting until the last two weeks of 1979 to stop concentrating on his responsibilities as GOP floor leader and focus full-time on campaigning for the Iowa caucuses and the New Hampshire primary early in 1980.

Baker dropped out after finishing in Iowa behind Ronald Reagan and George Bush, neither of whom was in public office at the time, which prompted his famously rueful observation that “one has to be unemployed to be elected president.”

Recent Stumbles
Frist, of course, would be able to test Baker’s theory in a 2008 field that could include several sitting senators and a handful of governors.

Long gone are the days when a viable presidential campaign could get off the ground in the same year as the election — and when a member of Congress could wait to set aside his day job until after his presidential quest had taken off, as Dole did when he quit the Senate altogether soon after he’d secured the 1996 GOP nomination. The current environment requires presidential hopefuls serving in Congress to display early strength in both fundraising and public opinion polls to remain competitive even a year or two before the primaries begin.

And so in coming months, those friendly to him concede, the success of any national aspiration will require him to score sufficient legislative successes as majority leader to counteract a bruising recent run of embarrassments.

Those began a year ago when the autopsy of Terry Schiavo, the Florida woman who had been at the center of a national debate over the right to die, supported her doctors’ view that she had long been in a persistent vegetative state. Frist, in advocating enactment of a bill in March to have the federal courts intervene to keep Schiavo alive, had asserted on the Senate floor that her diagnosis was wrong — although he conceded that he based his conclusion only on watching some videotape of her and reading court documents.

The incident was ammunition for critics who said that Frist not only had traded inappropriately on his medical expertise, but also had spurned one conservative principle — the notion that the federal government should stay out of a state court fight — in pursuit of support from the “right to life” wing of the GOP.

Then in the fall, the Securities and Exchange Commission and Justice Department launched inquiries into Frist’s decision to liquidate the HCA Inc. in his blind trust just before the company’s stock price plunged that July. Neither investigation has been brought to a public conclusion. Frist says he informed the trustees of his decision to sell long before the stock sank and had no inside information.

More recently, anti-tax Republicans have blocked the effort Frist has endorsed to create an industry-financed trust fund that would expedite the settlement of asbestos liability claims. And his recent proposal to give taxpayers a $100 rebate to help then cope with the recent surge in gasoline prices was quickly ridiculed into oblivion, with critics complaining that the money could barely cover the cost of filling up two larger tanks — and the business community, which would have been taxed anew to pay for the rebate, crying foul.

That string of setbacks does not doom him, Frist’s promoters say.

“Look at the competition: John McCain, Rudy Giuliani. Think of all the baggage they have,” said Perdue, the consultant who ran Frist’s first winning Senate campaign. “He’s a little dented now, but he can come back by stressing what he believes in and didn’t get done.”

Tennessee’s other senator, Lamar Alexander, who himself ran for the GOP presidential nomination in both 1996 and 2000, says he has few clues about whether Frist will make such a bid. But he has some unsolicited advice for his colleague. If he fails to win the Republican nomination in 2008 or skips the presidential election entirely, Frist should consider running for governor in 2010 — a job that would position him to run for president in 2012 or even 2016, when he will still be only 64 years old.

Told of that counsel, Frist initially brushed aside the notion of seeking the Tennessee governorship, but then added, “I will keep options open on just about everything.”

Dole, now a Washington lobbyist, declined to grade Frist’s performance as majority leader but predicted a rebound after he leaves the Senate. “He’ll have time to reflect and build a campaign based on his ideas,” Dole said. “Getting away from politics will help him. . . . He won’t be an insider then. He’ll be on the outside.”

Gresham Barrett immigration alert

Washington, DC Office
1523 Longworth
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phone: 202.225.5301
fax: 202.225.3216

Anderson Office
315 S. McDuffie St.
Anderson, SC 29622
phone: 864.224.7401
fax: 864.225.7049

Greenwood Office
115 Enterprise Ct.
Suite B
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phone: 864.223.8251
fax: 864.223.1679

Aiken Office
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Aiken, SC 29801
phone: 803.649.5571
fax: 803.648.9038


America is a melting pot, but we are also a proud nation of laws. When it comes to immigration reform we should not do anything until we can control our borders and enforce our current laws. We have to find a way to balance both by putting the best interest of our citizens, and those who come here legally above others. Reforming our immigration system is complex, and there are many issues we need to work through, but I do not support legislation that rewards those who have skirted the system and come to our country illegally because amnesty is not the answer.

H.R. 4437, the Border Protection, Antiterrorism, and Illegal Immigration Control Act of 2005, which passed the House of Representatives in December, addresses only issues related to strengthening border security and enforcing our current laws.

The following story is an example of how the strengthening border security will make a difference:

Here is an additional story which highlights how strong enforcement of our current laws can make a difference:

I believe the House got it right by dealing with border security and enforcement first, let me know if you agree. Also, let me know your thoughts as to whether the House should compromise with the Senate or stand firm, even if that means no legislation will pass at this time.

To unsubscribe at any time, click here or send an email to "" and
enter "unsubscribe BARRETT-SC03" in the subject and body of the message.
You will receive confirmation of your request via email.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Gresham Barrett on immigration

Washington, DC Office
1523 Longworth
Washington, DC 20515
phone: 202.225.5301
fax: 202.225.3216

Anderson Office
315 S. McDuffie St.
Anderson, SC 29622
phone: 864.224.7401
fax: 864.225.7049

Greenwood Office
115 Enterprise Ct.
Suite B
Greenwood, SC 29649
phone: 864.223.8251
fax: 864.223.1679

Aiken Office
233 Pendleton St. NW
Aiken, SC 29801
phone: 803.649.5571
fax: 803.648.9038


Our nation is in the midst of an important debate regarding our immigration policies. Over the coming weeks I will be sharing with you a few thoughts on this important issue.

First and foremost, we must control our borders. Second, amnesty will not solve the problem. No doubt reforming our immigration system is complex, but let's ensure our borders are secure and stop talking about rewarding those who have skirted the system and come to our country illegally.

The following are excerpts from an article entitled Senate Measure Could Create Immigration Tsunami, which ran in the Greenville News on June 1, 2006, discusses problems with the Senate solution to our immigration:

Greenville News

Thursday, June 1, 2006

By Mark Thies and Teela Roche

The Senate's bill calls for a guest worker/amnesty program as the only way to solve our nation's problem of illegal immigration. In truth, it could be our destruction.

According to a study by the Heritage Foundation's Robert Rector, the recently passed Senate bill could bring in more than 66 million legal immigrants -- almost 25 percent of the current U.S. population -- in the next 20 years!

The Senate seems intent on facilitating these huge increases just to solve what is no more than a temporary worker shortage in the service industries. Illegal aliens constitute less than 5 percent of the U.S. work force (Source: National Employment Law Project). The law of supply and demand would solve these shortages, but somehow businesses only seem to want market forces to act when it's in their own selfish interest.

Those who deride the House bill -- enforcement without guest workers -- as impractical and unworkable either are being intentionally misleading or simply don't know that such an "attrition" policy, as it is called, has worked well every time it's been tried. For example, the Center for Immigration Studies reports that when the Department of Homeland Security deported 1,500 illegal Pakistanis after 9-11, 15,000 more left the country on their own.

You can either confront a problem or let it grow till it destroys you. This summer, let your representative in the U.S. House know that they must choose enforcement -- otherwise: catastrophe.

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enter "unsubscribe BARRETT-SC03" in the subject and body of the message.
You will receive confirmation of your request via email.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Mehlman on Mark Sanford

To: State Desk

Contact: Camille Anderson of the RNC Press Office, 202-863-8614

WASHINGTON, June 13 /U.S. Newswire/ -- Following is a statement by RNC Chairman Ken Mehlman on Mark Sanford for governor in South Carolina:

"Governor Sanford is a visionary leader who has put South Carolina back on the right track. Since taking office four years ago, Sanford has overseen passage of the first income tax cuts in South Carolina history, fought to limit wasteful government spending, and worked to bring new jobs and investment to the state. Governor Sanford has consistently fought for a budget that limits the growth of state government and believes that hard working citizens - not the government - are the key to keeping South Carolina's economy moving forward. The Republican Party is united firmly behind Governor Sanford and we look forward to working together to ensure his re-election this November."


Paid for by the Republican National Committee; Web: . Not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

South Carolina Republicans head to the polls

SC Gov.: GOP Primary Will Assess Sanford’s Vulnerability
By Joanna Anderson | 4:15 PM; Jun. 12, 2006 | Email This Article
South Carolina Republican Gov. Mark Sanford will face the first test of his bid for a second term with his primary contest Tuesday against physician Oscar Lovelace. But the contest appears to be at least as much an example of the difficulty long-shot candidates have in gaining political traction as it is a measure of the incumbent’s popularity.

Lovelace is described by Scott Huffmon, a political scientist at Winthrop University in Rock Hill, S.C., as “a great, charismatic, and articulate, if inexperienced, candidate.” But the first-time candidate’s lack of political experience, coupled with downbeat fundraising numbers, appears to give him little chance of seriously competing to upset Sanford.

Sanford, for his part, has tried to keep Lovelace’s profile low by focusing on a general election contest in which he would face the winner of a three-way Democratic primary between state Sen. Tommy Moore, Florence Mayor Frank Willis and Lawyer C. Dennis Aughtry.

“The governor has been pretty effective at continuing to campaign as if [Lovelace] doesn’t exist,” Huffmon said.

The most attention Lovelace received came on June 7, when a proposed Republican primary debate became a half-hour interview with the challenger on statewide television. Sanford declined to debate his opponent, citing his responsibilities as governor in dealing with bills and state budget measures approved by the legislature.

Lovelace has tried to capitalize on Sanford’s difficulties in getting along with the legislature, even though his fellow Republicans control both chambers. Lovelace, in fact, has focused his campaign on questioning Sanford’s competence.

Sanford’s relationship with the legislature probably hit its nadir in May 2004, when he brought a pair of live pigs into the state Capitol lobby in an effort to promote his argument that the lawmakers were too fond of pork-barrel spending.

The two branches remain at loggerheads. In recent weeks, Sanford has blasted state lawmakers for spending too much, calling their budget a failure at keeping government in check.

Sanford’s battles with the state legislature have led some observers to label him as potentially vulnerable. But according to Christian Grose, a political scientist who follows Southern politics at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tenn., those battles “have only helped him, with his core supporters in particular.”

“Sanford is likely to cruise to an easy victory in the primary. The only question is just how much will Sanford win by,” said Grose, who added that if Lovelace “garners a substantial amount of the vote, that could be a red flag for Sanford’s chances in November.”

Sanford — who represented a Charleston-based congressional district from 1995 to 2001, when he retired to keep a personal term-limit pledge — reached the midpoint of the campaign year with public support that is neither weak nor overwhelming. A May SurveyUSA poll showed 53 percent of the respondents in conservative-leaning and Republican-trending South Carolina approve of Sanford’s job performance, putting him in a three-way tie for 25th place among the nation’s 50 governors.

Sanford takes credit for creating a business-friendly environment and high job creation. Democrats dispute this, citing a state unemployment rate that is above the national average.

Some South Carolina politics watchers say it’s unclear, though, whether any of the Democratic contenders has emerged as a clear threat to Sanford.

Moore and Willis “have led competent, if somewhat lackluster primary campaigns,” said Grose. “Both initially promised to run positive campaigns, though in the primary campaign’s waning days, the Democratic opponents have started to go negative,” an indication, he said, that perhaps “both candidates feel they have an opportunity to win.”

In recent weeks, Moore and Willis have traded jabs over the airwaves in ads specifically targeting African-American voters, an important element of the Democratic Party’s primary base in a state where blacks make up just less than 30 percent of the population.

Aughtry entered the contest just before the March filing deadline and his paltry fundraising has prevented him from running any ads.

Aughtry did have a chance to present himself in the Democratic debate earlier this month, and focused on the keystone issue of his campaign: legalized gambling. Aughtry has called for allowing casino gambling in South Carolina to raise revenue for health care, subsidized day care, and increased pay for teachers, state employees and law enforcement providers.

Moore and Willis were quick to describe Aughtry’s proposal as flawed. Moore questioned whether gambling money was a reliable source of funding, while Willis expressed concern over whether casinos would be accepted in a state that has a large number of religious conservatives who are hostile to all forms of gambling.

It initially appeared that the Democratic field would be one candidate larger. But former Rep. Ken Holland (1975-83), withdrew from the race not long after announcing in February that he would seek to end his long political hiatus by running for governor.

Turnout on Tuesday is expected to be low. “There is just no overriding or attention- grabbing issue, much less a larger-than-life personality,” noted Huffmon.

CQ rates the general election contest as Republican Favored. Please visit’s Election Forecaster for ratings on all races.

Time for South Carolina Republicans to vote!

Primary is battle for soul of GOP
Sanford's shadow seen in many races
By Aaron Gould Sheinin
Knight Ridder
COLUMBIA - Tuesday's primary election amounts to no less than a battle for the soul of the S.C. Republican Party.

Mark Sanford's name will appear only once on the GOP primary ballot, but the incumbent governor and his philosophies will dominate races across the state.

Less spending, limited government and school choice are barometers being used to measure the credentials of Republican candidates. Three separate groups - although critics say they aren't separate at all - have emerged as players this election in selecting and endorsing candidates with whom they agree, and denouncing those with whom they do not.

S.C. Club for Growth, South Carolinians for Responsible Government and Conservatives in Action are aiming to elect candidates that buy into their belief system, which so closely mirrors Sanford's as to have been lifted from his campaign material.

Agree and you are a "true Republican." Oppose them and you are a "RINO" - a Republican in Name Only, the preferred negative label of the new wave.

The organizations and their causes have nearly as much at stake Tuesday as the candidates: Win and see your influence soar and your issues gain traction in a recalcitrant state government.

Lose, and be prepared to embrace obscurity.

The three groups have similar platforms and support, and the cross-pollination of their advocacy of certain candidates projects an image of collaboration.

Their connections and methods have raised legal concerns about campaign funding and have sparked one federal lawsuit.

The story of the groups' rise is partly a coming-of-age tale, as the Republican Party veers toward total domination of the state's political scene, and party an early-warning system: Is the party growing so large it risks eating its own?

Stress fractures

State party chairman Katon Dawson said its not to the point where Republicans have to worry about fractures. But cracks are starting to appear.

"What's happened to us as a party is, once you reach majority status, you quit blocking and tackling," he said. "You've got to start calling the plays."

Dawson said for generations the Republican Party in South Carolina was focused on growth.

After taking over the House of Representatives in 1994, the focus switched to the Senate, which the GOP grabbed in 2000. Now, with comfortable leads in both chambers, plus control of seven of nine statewide offices, the party is less focused on growing than it is on leading the state in its preferred directions.

"When you're in the minority, you really do all get along," Dawson said. "Why? Because you have to. When you're in the majority, you don't have to, and different ideas, different strategies surface and then there's a debate and sometimes the debate is ugly."

The challenge has become picking the direction the party goes. And organizations like Club for Growth and the others want that direction to be of their choosing.

"All were doing is standing up for the basic ideals of the party," said Randy Page, president of South Carolinians for Responsible Government, another activist group.

Beyond choice

SCRG was created three years ago primarily to fight for school choice in the form of tuition tax credits. Sanford is a supporter of the plan to give tax credits to parents to send their children to private school. The governor introduced the plan shortly after taking office after campaigning in 2002 on a plan to give state-funded private school vouchers to parents.

After seeing its signature proposal fail in the Republican-controlled House the past two years, SCRG has focused on selected primaries where incumbent House Republicans face opposition, as well as in the party's education superintendent race.

The organization has paid for radio ads and mail pieces critical of the House incumbents, including Rep. Bill Cotty, R-Richland, all of whom have opposed the tax credit plan. It has also sponsored mail pieces critical of Bob Staton, a Republican education superintendent candidate.

Page and his group insist they are nonpartisan, are not "attacking" candidates and are not involved directly in campaigns. That could jeopardize their status as a nonprofit with the Internal Revenue Service.

But the State Ethics Commission has said the organization meets the threshold of state law in that it tries to "influence the outcome of an election," and is insisting the group file reports disclosing how it spends its money. SCRG has refused and has filed a federal lawsuit, accusing the commission of violating its First Amendment rights. That case is pending.

Page said the group is not trying to attack fellow Republicans.

"When there are differences on policy, I believe it is fair to point those out and to educate the grassroots citizens about differences on policy," Page said.

The chosen ones

The S.C. Club for Growth has no such qualms about announcing its intentions.

"I would not be surprised if Wednesday morning we wake up to some changes of who is elected and who isn't," said Joshua Gross, the Club for Growth's executive director.

Gross said the Club for Growth is supporting challengers in four different races against Republican House incumbents.

The groups are also supporting one incumbent and candidates for five open seats. They have also raised money for Karen Floyd, the choice of all three groups, in her bid for education superintendent.

Gross acknowledges that if the chosen candidates of these organizations do not win Tuesday, the repercussions could be loud.

If they don't score victories, Gross said, "I might be posting resumes."

Conservatives in Action has been responsible for some of the most biting anti-incumbency advertising. Of Cotty, one group mailing says the Northeast Richland lawmaker is "spending like he's got money to burn."

Another says "Figuring out how Rep. Bill Cotty wasted your tax dollars is as easy as following the footprints ..." and goes on to list a series of projects the group says are frivolous.

Cotty faces Sheri Few on Tuesday. Few supports the tuition tax credit program for which SCRG and the others advocate.

Taft Matney, executive director of Conservatives in Action, said his group is not being overtly negative but is trying to point out differences between candidates.

Cotty's "philosophies differ with those of his opponent, Sheri Few, in terms of how they would approach votes," Matney said. "He has never been a friend of really even examining the option of school choice."

Ties that bind

One major thing separates the Club for Growth from South Carolinians for Responsible Government and Conservatives in Action. Gross's organization is purely political. The other two label themselves educational and lobbying groups focused on issues, not campaigns.

The practical difference is Club for Growth must file reports detailing where its money comes from and how it is spent.

And while the State Ethics Commission believes the others do, too, thus far neither has, saying the law does not require it.

But there is no denying both are spending big money on the issues and their advertising specifically mentions candidates who disagree with them.

Many of the candidates they support are receiving thousands of dollars in contributions from a group of corporations and individuals around the country who support school choice.

Through corporations set up in New York, Maryland, Texas and Georgia, a New York real estate developer named Howard Rich has contributed nearly $40,000 to Floyd and seven House challengers.

Rich is president of U.S. Term Limits and is a major sponsor of national school choice campaigns. He is also active in the libertarian Cato Institute. Efforts to reach Rich were unsuccessful.

Page, the SCRG president, said people like Howard Rich have no stake in these races other than a strong belief in the issues the candidates support.

Friday, June 09, 2006

Gov Sanford and accountabilty

Government at the State and Federal level needs reform. There must be accountability.
Keep it up Gov Sanford!

Hillarity Fest? Governor isn't amused

Associated Press
Published June 9, 2006

COLUMBIA, S.C. -- Gov. Mark Sanford finds nothing funny about the Hillarity Festival, one of numerous events getting money under a grant program set up by state lawmakers.

Chester's Hillarity Festival--a September celebration that features gospel music and is so-named because the town sits on a hill--was granted $5,500. The Flopeye Fish Festival in Great Falls got $3,500.

"There may be some merit to the Hillarity Festival or any of these other local projects, but the problem is that we don't know because they were funded just because somebody asked for the money rather than through a real process to determine their value," Sanford said.

It's too late for him to do anything about the grants already awarded. But Sanford said he probably will veto the grantmaking process in the state budget that just landed on his desk.

But with Sanford seeking $150,000 from the $9.3 million grant fund to help pay for the National Governors Association meeting in Charleston, the man doling out the money said Sanford's complaints sound like election-year politics.

"That's money that belongs to the taxpayers of South Carolina and it is being returned to the taxpayers of South Carolina through these little festivals that are very important in these communities," said former state Rep. Jimmy Bailey, chairman of the grantmaking panel.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Columbia needs to get together ( Mark Sanford and the House)

The Democrats are laughing at us. We have to unify now others we will have a rough night come Novemeber. Mark Sanford and the State Legisalture needs to come together and from some type of truce.

Sanford-House relationship hits new low


Associate Editor

BACK IN 1988, the Capitol was in a state of shock when a back-bench Republican stood at the House lectern and referred dismissively to then-Gov. Carroll Campbell as “the sovereign downstairs.”

Last week, the House’s Republican majority leader stood on that same spot and told his colleagues that “it’s good to stick our finger in the governor’s eye, and he deserves it quite frankly.”

That’s not the astounding part. The astounding part is that Rep. Jim Merrill’s comments prefaced his effort to rally the House to support fellow Republican Gov. Mark Sanford. Or at least, that was the closest anyone came to supporting the governor’s demand that lawmakers return to Columbia a week earlier than usual, so they could override his budget vetoes before the primary.

The raucous session was punctuated by applause as the voting board lit up in green defiance of the governor. Even mild-mannered Rep. Ted Pitts urged fellow Republicans to reject Mr. Sanford’s attempt “to politically try to box us in on this.” That prompted lawmakers to chant “Call his bluff! Call his bluff!” Final tally: Sanford 21; House 80.

It was the most extraordinary repudiation of a governor that I’ve seen in nearly two decades covering the General Assembly. And that includes the times the governor’s party was in the minority.

Other votes against governors have been at least related to policy differences. When lawmakers override Mr. Sanford’s vetoes, they’re not just rejecting his ideas; they’re also standing up for bills they already voted to pass.

But this time it was different. The House was in open revolt.

Speaker Bobby Harrell sponsored the proposal to acquiesce to the governor. He told me the next day he was struck not just by the Wednesday evening uprising but by the number of House members who thanked him afterwards for not trying to browbeat them into going along.

“It really shows you the undercurrent of feelings in here,” he said. “There’s a difference between being willing to work together — and members of the House are willing to work with the governor — and how you feel about someone personally. What you saw last night was a reflection of those feelings.... It’s sad.”

“The frustration,” Mr. Harrell said, “is every time I think we’re about to get along better, the governor’s office does something that just hits people wrong.”

Things weren’t actually starting to get better this time. The uprising came a day after Mr. Sanford’s opponent in next week’s primary, Dr. Oscar Lovelace, showed up on the House floor to be introduced as “doctor of the day,” through a program run by the S.C. Medical Association. He was greeted by wild applause from House Republicans.

Rep. Joe Neal told me later that he and most other Democrats sat on their hands, staring at each other in amazement at the display. “This hatred of the governor has almost gotten to the point that it is maniacal,” he said. “They hate him. They hate him.”

It’s the Senate that has traditionally been unable to get along with governors. But the fact that there have been no similar outbursts across the hall probably has less to do with any warmth toward the governor than with senators’ confidence.

When Mr. Sanford threatened to call a special session, Senate President Pro Tempore Glenn McConnell gathered senior senators from both parties and began devising the plan that ultimately made it impossible for the governor to act. “The Senate, much more than being angry, was determined,” he said.

Mr. Sanford is unfazed by the uproar. At first, he dismissed it, saying “people get so excitable about disagreeing.” Then the man whose most memorable insult to the House involved carrying squealing, defecating piglets up to the House chamber added, “people say a stuck hog squeals.”

The way the governor sees it, lawmakers are angry because he’s pushing so hard to bring transparency and accountability to government.

The way Mr. McConnell sees it, the governor just made it a lot harder for him to convince fellow senators “that they need to give the executive more power.”

The way Mr. Harrell sees it, the governor and his staff need to read How to Win Friends and Influence People. “On second thought,” he said, “they could just read the title: how to influence people by winning friends.”

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Pataki visits South Carolina

In 1994 when Pataki was running for Governor he was so "conservative" than then Mayor Rudy Giuliani refused to endorse him. Once sworn in Pataki governed as a liberal. Now he is running for President and I bet he will run as that 1994 conservative all over again.Do you see a trend here among GOP politicians? Run right,
Govern left. This must change.

Bog-off hosts Pataki
All incumbents except Lazarus lose in straw poll
By Travis Tritten
The Sun News

Phyllis Richardson of Anyor casts a vote in the straw poll at the GOP Elephant Stampede Bog-off held at Conway High.
Q&A: New York's governor talks elections, energy
There was much talk about slimming government and a guest appearance by New York Gov. George Pataki for the annual GOP Elephant Stampede Bog-off in Conway on Friday.

The Bog-off is the Republican Party's big gathering leading up to the June 13 primary elections and its straw poll is a weather vane for how party members may vote.

Poll results showed some upsets for nearly all County Council incumbents.

Hundreds gathered for a buffet of different-hued chicken bog and campaigning from candidates for state treasurer down to Horry County Council.

Pataki, who is mulling a run for president in 2008, flew in to whip up enthusiasm for Republicans in the primary and the November general election.

Republicans are facing tough criticism nationally with Iraq and a lack of confidence in the economy, among other issues. Some predict that could influence this year's elections in the Democrats favor.

"There's no reason we shouldn't win in November here in South Carolina and across the nation," Pataki said. "We are two different parties with different points of view. We think every day is the Fourth of July and they think every day is April 15 [tax day]."

He touted New York's turnaround under Republican leadership and criticized what he said was decades of Democratic rule that drove the state down.

Pataki also invoked the terrorism attacks in 2001 and said the planned Freedom Tower and Sept. 11 memorial in New York City will be a symbol of U.S. determination and pride.

"Where the towers stood we are going to have a very moving memorial," he said. "We will tell the story of 9/11, but right beside it we are going to build a new tower."

Meanwhile, Elephant Stampede participants paid for raffle tickets and stuffed brown boxes with straw poll ballots.

The results were losses for every incumbent Horry County Council member except chairman candidate and District 2 Councilman Mark Lazarus.

New York's governor talks elections, energy

Former S.C. Gov. David Beasley (center) jokes with Patty Fabrizio of the Myrtle Beach Republican Women after introducing her to N.Y. Gov. George Pataki on Friday in Conway.George Pataki was in the area Friday and answered some questions for The Sun News reporter Travis Tritten. Here's what the New York governor and possible 2008 presidential candidate had to say:

Q. | Why the trip to Myrtle Beach?

A. | We've got a lot of important elections coming up this November. I want to see us win, particularly in critical states such as South Carolina. Everything from the governor on down is up this year. I believe in the philosophy of my party, and I believe it has improved people's lives here. I know it has in New York and I am going to do everything I can to help Republicans win.

Q. | Is this the beginning of a campaign for president in 2008?

A. | There are a lot of people talking about 2008 and looking at 2008, but we have to focus on November of 2006. We can't just ignore very important elections. We have to make sure Republicans maintain control of the House and the Senate and do our best to see as many Republican governors elected as possible. Then, come November, I know I will sit down with my wife and our kids and talk about the future. I certainly haven't made any decisions at this point.

Q. | There is talk at the federal level of oil and natural gas exploration off the East Coast and possibly off the Carolinas. Do you support that?

A. | I think one of the most important things that we have to do is end our dependency on foreign oil. It is costing us over a quarter of a trillion dollars a year and we get nothing except the barrel of oil we burn and then we have to do it again next year. We have the opportunity and the ability of using the entrepreneurial skills of the American people and the technology to create renewable sources of energy like biofuels and ethanol. We can use more conservation measures and we can have more exploration in the United States.

Q. | Many immigrants come to Myrtle Beach to work in tourism and construction. That has people concerned about illegal aliens. What is the solution to the immigration problem?

A. | Immigration is part of the American tradition and it's made our country stronger, but it's been legal immigration. We have to do everything in our power to make sure our borders are secure. That every person coming here is coming here legally and to build a better life for themselves and their family.

That has got to be our priority. You can't really claim to be a great country when hundreds of thousands of people come here illegally. We know that the vast majority of them want a job. But how many of them might want to engage in activities such as the attacks of Sept. 11? We have to make sure the people who come here come here legally.

Friday, June 02, 2006

Jim Demint: Amnesty unfair

Last week the Senate passed an amnesty bill that, if enacted, will make America’s immigration problems worse.

With the security of the United States on the line, this issue has never been more urgent. In fact, estimates are that 40 percent of illegal immigrants in the United States today have entered the country since 9/11, and thousands more are crossing our border every day.

Ultimately, I was part of a majority of Republican senators that voted against a deeply flawed Senate bill. It creates numerous incentives for the very behavior it claims to discourage. And, most disappointing to me, it does not adequately secure our borders.

I believe we should prove to the American people that we can stop the flow of illegal immigrants before we rush headlong into legalizing the estimated 12 million already here. Sadly, the supporters of the Senate bill defeated an amendment that would have done just that: require the federal government to stop illegal immigration before it increased legal immigration.

The final result: amnesty, pure and simple. Just last week former Attorney General Ed Meese went so far as to say this bill and the amnesty law of 1986 are almost identical. The 1986 amnesty also promised border security... but never delivered.

In fact, this bill may actually be worse than the 1986 amnesty. The 2006 amnesty rewards those who have broken the law the longest! Those who have been in this country illegally for five or more years — an estimated 60 percent of the illegal population — would be granted amnesty immediately, placing them in line ahead of those who have waited patiently for anywhere from five to 12 years to be legally allowed to enter our country.

Proponents of this so-called compromise tout that illegal immigrants would have to pay a $2,000 fine and back taxes, but the truth of the matter is that they would not be made to pay the fine until eight years later, after being approved for their green card (permanent worker status). Fourteen percent — about 1.6 million people — would owe no fine at all because they are under 18. And after filing past-due tax returns, many will be eligible for the Earned Income Tax Credit, meaning the U.S. government would possibly owe them money.

Some have argued that this bill will give justice to illegal immigrants. But what about justice for Americans? Is it justice to further bankrupt Social Security by rewarding illegal immigrants with Social Security benefits after they have engaged in identity theft? If this bill is enacted into law, an estimated 12 million illegal workers would be credited for contributions to Social Security during the time they worked illegally with a stolen Social Security number.

I voted for an amendment that would have closed this loophole. Sadly, this commonsense measure was not approved in the Senate. It failed by just one vote.

The list of absurdities in this bill goes on and on. Did you know the Senate bill mandates that children of illegal immigrants are entitled to in-state tuition at any state college or university in the country, a benefit that is not afforded to the children of American citizens?

Supporters of the Senate bill have repeatedly said we should find middle ground, yet they frame the debate by giving Americans two false choices. They claim that you must either grant illegal immigrants amnesty or break up families and send all illegal immigrants home. Either you support making illegal immigrants citizens, or you want them to be felons. These are not the right choices for Americans or immigrants, and they are not the only choices.

The first step of immigration reform must be to secure our borders. Second, we must end the incentives to break our laws. Finally, we can find ways to give legal worker status to deserving immigrants, but the sacred trust of citizenship and voting rights must be reserved for those who obey our laws and embrace our values.

This also means providing a workable, market-based system for businesses seeking legal temporary labor. We must not hesitate to hold businesses accountable with stiff fines and penalties for failing to verify the legal status of their employees, but we must provide them with the means to do so, such as a tamper-proof ID card.

The Senate amnesty bill would devalue American citizenship and create resentment toward immigrants, an outcome that is unfair to both Americans and immigrants.

I believe we can secure our borders and continue to welcome immigrants, but we must do so without rewarding illegal behavior with citizenship and voting rights.

Mr. DeMint represents South Carolina in the U.S. Senate.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

South Carolina must remain first!

December In Iowa
The SC GOP has made it very clear that they don't like all this encroaching on to their '08 turf. This afternoon, the state party announced that if any other southern state attempts to even share the same day as the South Carolina WH GOP primary, they'll move up their primary, even if it costs them delegates to the 2008 RNC convention. As SC GOP exec. dir. Scott Malyerck tells us, the state party's new motto for the '08 primary is "first and solo in the south." The threat SC GOPers fear the most is from FL, which is making noises about moving up its WH primary. AL and AR are two other old Confederacy states who want to share in SC's limelight.

There's a domino effect if South Carolina moves out of the approved February RNC window because New Hampshire's law says there has to be 7 days in between its primary and the next like-minded event. And, of course, Iowa needs to be 8 days before New Hampshire. How long before there are realistic plans for Iowa to hold its caucuses in the middle of December.

SC GOPers don't need to be 7 days ahead of anyone, just one day will do, or more likely four days as the party has held its primary on a Saturday in presidential cycles past. [CHUCK TODD]

Posted at 03:54 PM | Comments (0)